Tuesday, February 26, 2013

How to Pass Algebra

What is Algebra?

A branch of math that replace with letters for numbers. An algebraic equation represent a scale, what is done on one side of the scale with a number is also done to the other side of the scale. The numbers are the constants. Algebra can include matrices, vectors, real numbers, complex numbers etc. Moving from Arithmetic to Algebra will see something like this: Arithmetic:8+4=8+4 in Algebra. It would look like: x + y = y + x

Instructions: Learn Algebra

Step 1

Know that you can succeed. Anyone who can earn a college degree can know the concepts of algebra. Learning is repetition. So you can do this. Even if you fall short the first time and need to take the class again (and again), you can do this.

Step 2

Embrace the concept of variables. Some people get thrown off by trying to use an X and a Y instead of a number like 2 or 20. Variables make sense because they permit you to 'vary' things, and that means the equations you're solving can be used many times over with different inputs.

Step 3

Use fun examples to study. Nobody cares about a problem from a book where Jimmy has ten apples and Jane has twenty. But if you can use real world examples to teach yourself, it's fun. For example, you can use algebra to forecast your prospect net worth, figure out sporting statistics, or plan the expenses of a vacation.

Step 4

Again you’re studying over and over but with breaks of several days in between. The repetition embeds the understanding in your long term memory if you learn it, study it again within about a week, and then review the material about a month later.

Step 5

Do your homework and pass your tests!

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